About The Australian Emulation Network
AusEaaSI is an Emulation-as-a-Service-Infrastructure (EaaSI) installation. EaaSI is a program of research led by the Digital Preservation Services team at Yale University Library with support from OpenSLX and the Software Preservation Network. With infrastructure and hosting provided by AARNet, AusEaaSI allows users to access the EaaSI platform via a web browser and interact with born-digital media emulated within pre-configured environments that can be shared across the network.
AusEaaSI is a “grand consortium” of partners and an expanding network of people and technology with the common aim of stabilising and providing access to culturally significant born-digital artefacts held in the archives and collections of Australia’s Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) organisations.
AusEaaSI is enabling transformative research that crosses media arts, architecture and industrial design, games and applications, AR/VR and web and pre-web networking. AusEaaSI’s decentralised network of collections and archives shared through a single platform should reveal previously unseen relationships between methodologies, artefacts and practices. Our people are engaged in transformative research using previously inaccessible content and discovering new methodologies for the analysis and interpretation of historic digital artefacts. .
AusEaaSI is about the future as much as preserving the past. Already rapid obsolescence is impacting on access to VR works, and digital work practices are rapidly becoming more complex across creative fields. This project is making a significant contribution to the development and implementation of strategies and methods to ensure that what we are creating today remains accessible to future researchers and historians.
AusEaaSI is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council’s Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities grant: The Australian Emulation Network: Born Digital Cultural Collections Access (LE220100057). The views expressed herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Australian Government or Australian Research Council.

AusEaaSI: A Demonstration
Demonstration of AusEaaSI emulating “Know-How: The guide to innovation in Australia” in the Windows 98SE environment.
“Know-How: The Guide to Innovation in Australia”, Multimedia CD-ROM, Powerhouse Museum, 1996. Reproduced with permission from the Powerhouse Museum & the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.